Here are some bracelets in the process of being created....first, I cut out some shapes from the shrinky dink plastic....these are about 2 inches in diameter.....I color them in with colored pencils while the oven is warming up....I put it on at 375....good and hot! I think pre-heating is essential for good shrinkage!

Here they are all in a swirl and out of the only takes a minute or two....don't walk away!
When I was posting this, it reminded me of those Gumpy/claymation TV shows that I watched as a kid.....The shrinky dinks would pop out of the oven and jump on the table and form a spiral and go around and around.....

And then group back together.....all shrunk and happy....

and packaged into little bracelets to sell at the Farmer's Market on Saturday! Yippeee! By the way, we are honored to have a claymation master coming to Nantucket....the one and only Ken Brown will be at NISDA in August and Nantucket Bookworks will be sponsering a booksigning on August 6 at NISDA....If you're around, come and join us!