Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Shop Is Getting Packed!

Here are some Spring flowers that I picked for the shop. I had found a fake one million dollar bill somewhere and I put it up on the wall like some people do when they make their first dollar. Ha Ha! I think it's for good luck! The daffodils and grape hyacinths are from my neighbor's garden....she's away for the Winter and won't be back until they pass,  so I will enjoy them. :)  I grew the wee English daisies from seed and Jeffrey grew the calendulas from seed. He had them growing in our cold frame with some lettuce.

This corner is a bit of a mish mash, but I have a nice new hutch that I'm filling with pottery. I'll take more pictures once I get it all looking good. People are slowly coming to the Island to visit and take advantage of the lower rates or they are  opening their houses for the Summer.YAY! More tomorrow! Thanks for looking....:)

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