Sunday, October 10, 2010

9th Annual Goreyfest and Gala

The 9th annual Gorey Festival celebrating the life of my favorite illustrator, Edward Gorey, will take place the day before Halloween on Cape Cod. I had participated in the first auction at the Edward Gorey House and had donated my self published book "ABC'S of the Alphabet". There is Edward sitting in the audience with his beloved fur coat watching the ballerina and her "T" is for tutu....and tea and tiptoe! My own little homage.
Well, the fur coats are up for auction at this annual gala. Edward Gorey had a change of heart in the 1980's and put his furs in storage, never to wear them again. In accordance with his wishes, The Edward Gorey Charitable Trust awards grants annually to major animal welfare groups including the Animal Rescue League of Boston, The Bat Conservation International, and The Xerces Society, all whom share Edward Gorey's love for animals. :)
Happy Halloween, Edward Gorey! OOOOOOhhhhhh!

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