Friday, May 14, 2010

Year of the Nantucket Woman

The Nantucket Historical Association's "Year Of The Nantucket Woman" has begun. There are all sorts of exhibitions on the Island celebrating Nantucket Women, young and old. I belong to a group of Women who call ourselves "Petticoat Row.•" Petticoat Row, once located on Centre Street, was named for the many women who owned and operated the shops that lined the downtown thoroughfares. Women traditionally ran the town of Nantucket, as their husbands traveled the seas for years at a time."...... If you'd like to read more interesting facts about Nantucket, you can find them HERE..... We are celebrating our first year at The Galley Beach Restaurant with a silent auction. SO..... I chose Maria Mitchell for my first Nantucket Woman Sachet Doll for the auction....and here she is! She's got great hair....
Yikes! I even got her beloved brooch on the doll. You can find a sweeter image of her with a little history HERE.
I don't know if she wore striped stockings, but you never know! Maybe she started wearing them after she discovered a comet..... You can find out more about this remarkable woman at The Maria Mitchell Association.
Here is another Nantucket Woman....Ms. Mermaid. I donated this little necklace to the auction too. The event takes place on June 1 at the Galley......Thanks for looking! Who will be the next Nantucket Woman Sachet Doll????? :):)
I have more of these necklaces at the Studio....blondes, brunettes and red heads and the like....:)

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