Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine for a Sweetie

This is what I'm giving Jeffrey for Valentine's his favorite color...ORANGE....I've never painted on orange before...I like it!
He loves birds, and here are some that are in our yard from time to time....a Cooper's Hawk....always takes our breath away when he lands in the tree just outside our kitchen window.
A little Woodpecker....he sometimes likes to peck on the house near our bedroom...a wee alarm clock...
I love painting vines....good thing......
A big fat Cardinial....lots of them at the ground feeder although they like the top one too.....
And finally a Bluebird, which we don't see alot of, but once in a while. A Bluebird of happiness!
The top....I varnished the whole thing so it can be used outside....I've painted hundreds of watering folks still use theirs from way back when and it still looks great! Happy Valentine's Day, Jeffrey! (shhhhhh) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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