Thursday, September 11, 2008

Studio update

Here's a look at the counter Honey made me for my studio....I sealed the top with 4 coats of clear environmentally friendly sealer, the same kind that I use on my boxes and frames....

This is the side of the counter where I'll paint some beautiful flowers......

Here is the table of delights....

And the pretty little wardrobe that I got at the Hospital Thrift Shop! I love the gigham curtains, but I think I am going to open the doors and put chicken wire on them and then hang the fairy dolls....I put a shelf inside....

Hey! There's the counter painted! And you can see the beginnings of some designs I am painting on the walls.... I'll be at the studio on 4 Fair Street today and tomorrow, so stop in if you're in town! Toodle-loo! xo

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