Monday, December 31, 2012

These Are a Few Of My Favorite Things

Hello there. We moved our residence last month closer to town. Just 1.2  miles from the shop!So I have been unpacking now that I have closed the shop for a bit. It is quiet on Nantucket.
Here are a few of my favorite things. I love this round box that I got from Bell'iocchio. The dots are actually perforated and add an interesting touch . On my desk in the sunroom.

These wee gals sipping tea make me happy, so they are on the window sill over the sink so I can view them daily and regularly. :):)

And here are their friends! They are also on the windowsill. There's a teaparty going on but this one is a positively happy one!I got these in Vermont somewhere up near Lake Willoughby.( Thanks Mary Kaye for taking me to the shop!) 

Big ,beautiful heart rocks found on Cape Breton Island walking the bluff in Margaree.Up in the bedroom on the windowsill.

A lovely salt cellar found somewhere.

I filled it with some seashell buttons and have it on my desk.
Two super favorite things...a  sweet pair of ceramic shoes on a sweet hand painted saucer. On my desk where I can see them everyday for inspiration and happiness! 

Here is a picture of Sophie, our 17 year old Carin Terrior who passed away this Summer. I cut some of her hair and made a little felted Sophie dog to accompany her picture. On the windowsill in front of my laptop with pictures of the Boys.:):)

Do you remember that wreath in the shop that was hanging on the hutch? Keeping it in the sun room! And the hutch too...(.re-decorating the shop)

An exquisite perfume bottle from Provincetown that I picked up when I was 14 years old on one of our yearly visits to some of the most intriguing shops that I have ever been to in the early 70's. Isn't that label a beauty? This has been sitting by my bedside for years!  
Thanks for looking. I wish for you a happy and wonderful New Year. Stay safe and happy.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Happy New Year Is Coming

I am officially on vacation.So that means that I am doing things on the internet instead of painting. 
Look at this sweet little site that I found.   Manomine Just the sweetest!
Here is her shop.
Only two more of Mom's cookies left and then....HERE!
Thanks for looking and Happy Almost New Year! 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Pinning Into The New Year

I am happily on a wee vacation and will be on Pinterest  throughout the New Year. I get a lot of inspiration for next year's creations. Loving these pins by Mickey Wolters

More beauty from Les Gouts & Les Couleurs.
This little set is the cutest! Found at Takae Mizutani and Sons

A simple and clever use of washi tape for wrapping taffy. :)

They look like Spirograph cupcakes! I got a Spirograph for Christmas one year....loved it! These cupcakes are fantastic...:)  by Lori Jo Hernandez

This is what I will be eating next year. More salads and plant based food. I just like to look at the cupcakes:):)
Beautiful photography from Cannelle et Vanille

I had posted these boots from Doc Marten. My Sons got them for me for Christmas....YAY!

My favorite magazine....I will receive a year long subscription....from Mom and Dad xoxo

I've been pining for one of these...(not pinning!)
Thank you ,Jeffrey! :):)
Thanks for looking.
 Next up are New Year's resolutions.
So 4 more days of eating Mom's cookies!
Munch on......

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Eve

Have a Merry Christmas Eve!

Photos from 1 and 2 Citrus and Orange
3 and 4 Olive

Wishing you all happiness and peace.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Nantucket Christmas Dolls

Season's Greetings to you!

A few more last minute dolls for Christmas time.
This is the Lincoln doll. I added a pill box hat because she likes them and wears the vintage ones.

The butterflies were just for fun :)

Even a little netting on the hat makes it look authentic.

And her silver shoes.

This is the Katy doll.

She has very long hair.

And she loves hearts!

Last but not least is the Sarah doll. Her beau asked me to make her into one.

She looks plump because I fill the bodies with lavender , so the work as a sachet as well. Sarah in real life is thin.

And she wears striped socks:):) 
Happy Holidays all!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cupcake Boxes

Yum Yum with no calories. Yes, that is because these are ceramic cupcake boxes that I painted for Susu's Bakery in Wellesley, Ma.
Stop by for some tea in between shopping. I bet one of Susu's mini cupcakes would fit right inside the box. A fun little gift for that special someone.

Thanks for looking and here is a lovely link! :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Whale and Mermaid Boxes

Here are some new boxes at the shop on 4 Fair Street.

Whales and Mermaids are big sellers, although I love painting other things.

I am thinking about what I want to create in 2013.This post is getting me about you?

Thanks for looking and Happy Holidays! :):)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fabric Love

Here are some lovely fabric designs from my Pinterest "Fabric Love" board.

I love how all of these different patterns work together.. From Wish Flowers

This is so vintage sweet! From HERE

A Dutch wax block print by Vlisco

Another vintage print ....from Nest Pretty Things

And finally, this beauty designed by Brie Harrison and found at Design Squish.

Thanks for looking...I'm off to the studio !